
Lumenaza as a driving force at the Energy Forums Leipzig

Meeting of the User Group "Portfolio and Balance Group Management"

17 May 2024 / News

On May 15, 2024, we had the opportunity to participate in the 13th meeting of the User Group "Portfolio and Balance Group Management" of the Energy Forums Leipzig, with the topic "Aggregation in the Small Customer Portfolio".


Potentials of Aggregation and Dynamic Electricity Tariffs

In the practical report by Principal Consultant Alexander Woitas, specific challenges and solutions for energy aggregation in the private customer segment, as well as the potential of dynamic electricity tariffs, were highlighted.

With our SaaS solutions, we enable energy suppliers and municipal utilities to act as direct marketers in the market and offer dynamic electricity tariffs.

In energy aggregation, even smaller renewable energy systems operated by private individuals can be actively integrated into the energy market. This allows energy suppliers and municipal utilities to develop new business models tailored to the individual needs of customers.

Dynamic electricity tariffs were another important topic of our practical report. They allow real-time pricing that responds to both consumer behavior and market conditions. This not only promotes energy efficiency but also supports the integration of renewable energies into the grid by enabling consumers to adjust their energy consumption to the actual availability of renewable energy.

The two-day meeting brought together portfolio and balance group managers from about 25 municipal utilities and energy supply companies, who meet semi-annually to discuss the latest trends and challenges in the industry.

About the Energy Forums Leipzig

The Energy Forums Leipzig have built an extensive partner network to promote knowledge transfer and professional exchange between companies in the energy industry and the scientific community. In addition to municipal utilities and energy supply companies, partners include professors and academic chairs as well as consulting firms specializing in the energy sector.


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Kay Schwarz
+49 30 346 558 214

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