Lumenaza bringt als „Assoziierter Partner“ Fachexpertise in das Forschungsprojekt SISSY mit ein
Die Lumenaza GmbH unterstützt SISSY ab sofort als „Assoziierter Partner“ bei der Erprobung und Optimierung von Prozessen für die Direktvermarktung.
Berlin, 08 August 2024 - Exciting news in the energy sector! Lumenaza GmbH, a leading provider of software-as-a-service platforms for the energy industry, is now an official partner of the Energy Hub Alliance. This partnership marks a significant step for the digitalisation of the energy sector.
The Energy Hub Alliance aims to bring market participants together and develop a platform that enables communication between different energy devices, regardless of manufacturer. This platform not only promotes smooth communication between applications and systems, but also enables collaboration and the provision of value-added services. By integrating Lumenaza's open and cloud-based solution with those of other providers, new use cases and customer-centric solutions are created.
A key benefit of the Energy Hub Alliance is that partners retain control over their APIs, are kept transparently informed of development progress and are invited to participate in the further growth of the Energy Hub Alliance. This ensures an open and collaborative environment in which all partners can contribute their individual strengths and drive forward joint solutions. Lumenaza contributes innovative approaches, particularly in the area of flexibility marketing.
By establishing a new market standard, the Energy Hub Alliance, in collaboration with Lumenaza, enables the potential for flexibility to be utilized independently of manufacturers and made accessible to all customers.
The Energy Hub Alliance is an initiative to promote data integration and interoperability in the energy sector. Founded by P3 digital services GmbH and HagerEnergy GmbH (brand E3/DC), it invites other market participants to join. The partners retain control over their APIs, are informed transparently about the development progress and are invited to participate in the further growth of the Energy Hub Alliance.
Über Lumenaza
Lumenaza bietet Software und Services für die Energiewende. Lumenazas leistungsstarke SaaS-Plattform ermöglicht es Versorgern, ihr Geschäft zu gestalten, zu steigern und weiterzuentwickeln, indem sie Produzenten und Verbraucher von grüner, dezentraler Energie miteinander verbindet. Das Berliner Unternehmen ermöglicht innovative Geschäftsmodelle, die auf dezentralen, erneuerbaren Energien basieren. Das Unternehmen mit Sitz in Berlin arbeitet mit Großkunden wie EnBW oder E.ON oder Stadtwerken sowie insbesondere neue Marktteilnehmern rund um grüne Energieversorgung zusammen.
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