Lumenaza bringt als „Assoziierter Partner“ Fachexpertise in das Forschungsprojekt SISSY mit ein
Die Lumenaza GmbH unterstützt SISSY ab sofort als „Assoziierter Partner“ bei der Erprobung und Optimierung von Prozessen für die Direktvermarktung.
On June 20, 2024, our exclusive Partner Event as part of Intersolar/EM Power takes place in Munich.
Under the motto “Networking”, the event offered an ideal platform for exchanging ideas with our guests. The event was characterized by short, inspiring lectures and lively discussions about innovative solutions and strategies that are necessary to be successful in a volatile energy landscape: aggregation and dynamic electricity tariffs. The participants were able to gain valuable insights into how our partner models can help make their business future-proof.
In addition to the informative sessions, the focus was on networking. After an inspiring but also exhausting day at the fair, the Bavarian buffet in the Giesinger Bräustüberl, which offered a variety of hearty and delicious specialities, was a highlight.
A highlight of the event was the announcement of our re-branding. To achieve our vision of a future with 100% green energy, we have created our new brand LUOX Energy presented. LUOX Energy will replace the Lumenaza.Community brand and focus on providing sustainable energy solutions to a wider audience of end customers: private households, SMEs, farmers, the housing industry and partners (as marketing partner/ re-seller).
The Re-branding aims to make participation in green energy more economically attractive and to create a clear distinction between our SaaS-brand and our End-customer brand.
Whether you're an installer, energy consultant, project developer, hardware manufacturer or energy supplier — we would like to invite all players to take advantage of our partner program. Become part of a community that is actively shaping the future of the energy revolution! Benefit from attractive products that are not only economically efficient, but also ecologically sustainable and offer end customers attractive added value.
Check out our Partner site for more information about our partner program and find out about future events and promotions.
We are looking forward to the upcoming changes and to shaping the future of the energy revolution together with you.
Über Lumenaza
Lumenaza bietet Software und Services für die Energiewende. Lumenazas leistungsstarke SaaS-Plattform ermöglicht es Versorgern, ihr Geschäft zu gestalten, zu steigern und weiterzuentwickeln, indem sie Produzenten und Verbraucher von grüner, dezentraler Energie miteinander verbindet. Das Berliner Unternehmen ermöglicht innovative Geschäftsmodelle, die auf dezentralen, erneuerbaren Energien basieren. Das Unternehmen mit Sitz in Berlin arbeitet mit Großkunden wie EnBW oder E.ON oder Stadtwerken sowie insbesondere neue Marktteilnehmern rund um grüne Energieversorgung zusammen.
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