News & Presse

Lumenaza GmbH starts a new chapter for consumers and producers of green energy with the LUOX Energy brand



Berlin, July 17, 2024 — Lumenaza GmbH, a pioneer in energy software-as-a-service solutions, is ushering in a new chapter with a brand relaunch: The end customer brand Lumenaza.Community becomes LUOX Energy.

With this significant relaunch, the company is pursuing the goal of making participation in the energy market attractive for even more people. This also underlines the need to differentiate oneself more clearly from the B2B business, through which Lumenaza supports energy suppliers such as OctopusEnergy, EnBW, E.ON and Regionah Energie with comprehensive energy management processes in a white label model.

“The aspect of an energy community, which we have focused on with Lumenaza.Community, works great in certain segments. But to make our vision of a future based on 100% green energy a reality, we want to reach even more people.”, explains Christian Chudoba, CEO and co-founder. ‍

“Our new brand identity as LUOX Energy enables us to get even more people excited about a sustainable future. We offer end customers products that are attractive to them and at the same time work with a network of partners to achieve a long-term transformation and optimization of the energy market.”

Products for consumers and producers of green energy

LUOX Energy is launching two main products that focus on economic benefits for consumers and producers of green energy and have a positive impact on grid stability:

- LUOX Dynamisch - A dynamic electricity tariff that makes it possible to purchase electricity at current stock market electricity prices, which benefits electricity customers in particular when there is a high supply of green energy.

- LUOX Direktvermarktung - The offer for operators of wind, biogas and PV plants of all sizes (0-10 MW) to feed in their energy at current stock market electricity prices and thus achieve higher returns in the long term.

LUOX Energy advertises to ensure full cost transparency and control - so there are no hidden margins, no contract commitment and the option to cancel on a monthly basis.

In addition to extended marketing measures, LUOX Energy also sells the products through cooperation with various partners in the areas of hardware and PV - thus positioning itself as a technology - independent solution for the energy industry. The partner network already includes over 60 partners, as well as E3/DC and enerix.

The new brand identity breaks stereotypes about green electricity

LUOX Energy's new brand identity aims to reach different target groups and redefine the brand essence around transparency, sustainability and accessibility. ‍

Aurelia Trinschek, marketing manager at Lumenaza GmbH, explains: ”Our new brand should not only be fun, but also inspire you to become an active part of the energy revolution and benefit from it. Our products and communication are designed to make green energy understandable and attractive. That is also the goal with our new web presence, on which we have prepared information for our users in a user-oriented and needs-oriented manner and will continue to develop it further.” ‍

The result is a lively and fresh (web) design that reflects the optimism and innovative power of LUOX Energy. The new website has been available since yesterday via ‍

Über Lumenaza

Lumenaza bietet Software und Services für die Energiewende. Lumenazas leistungsstarke SaaS-Plattform ermöglicht es Versorgern, ihr Geschäft zu gestalten, zu steigern und weiterzuentwickeln, indem sie Produzenten und Verbraucher von grüner, dezentraler Energie miteinander verbindet. Das Berliner Unternehmen ermöglicht innovative Geschäftsmodelle, die auf dezentralen, erneuerbaren Energien basieren. Das Unternehmen mit Sitz in Berlin arbeitet mit Großkunden wie EnBW oder E.ON oder Stadtwerken sowie insbesondere neue Marktteilnehmern rund um grüne Energieversorgung zusammen.

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