News & Presse

Solar Package 1: An Overview of the most important new Features



Today, the time had come: At the opening of its session, the Bundestag discussed the Federal Government's draft law to “amend the Renewable Energy Act and other energy industry regulations to increase the expansion of photovoltaic energy generation.” Better known as “Solar Package 1.”

With this adopted today by the Bundestag Draft bill, which can come into force in May 2024, new framework conditions are being created specifically aimed at further promoting and simplifying the expansion of renewable energies.

“Solar Package 1 is clearly heading in the right direction and provides important new impetus, including in the area of storage solutions,” comments Christian Chudoba, managing director of Lumenaza. “We will make use of the opportunities available to our customers and plan to expand our product range to include small direct marketing and dynamic tariffs in order to make optimal use of the new opportunities for our customers. ”

Here we have summarized the main new features of the solar package for you:

Simplified grid connection for small systems:

There is no obligation to register with the grid operator for photovoltaic systems up to an output of 30 kW. Previously, there was a simplified procedure for systems up to 10.8 kW. Systems up to this new border can now be connected to the network without extensive bureaucratic hurdles.

Mandatory DV:

Mandatory direct marketing requires an adjustment of the 100-kilowatt limit. This should enable operators of larger self-consuming plants to feed their surplus amounts of electricity into the grid even without compensation. At Lumenaza, we offer a cost-effective solution: Thanks to our low fixed fee, direct marketing with Lumenaza is more economical than giving away excess electricity!

Expanded funding for tenant electricity:

Solar package 1 introduces communal building supply and expands funding for tenant electricity. This also applies to photovoltaic systems on outbuildings such as commercial buildings or garages, which are now also included in the funding.

More flexible use of energy storage:

In future, storage systems will also be able to charge grid power without losing the EEG remuneration claim for solar power. The Federal Network Agency will develop a model for measurement technology and billing to simplify the multifunctional use of storage systems.

Facilitations for balcony power plants:

Balcony power plants offer an easy way to participate in the energy revolution, as they enable low-threshold power generation. Solar package 1 significantly reduces bureaucratic hurdles: Registration with the grid operator is omitted in favor of simplified registration in the market master data register. It also makes it easier to operate conventional Ferraris meters, which can run backwards until the meter is replaced.

The new regulations enable operators of balcony power plants to benefit from dynamic electricity tariffs, as intelligent measurement systems (IMsys) are required to measure the two-way electricity flow. This qualifies many for dynamic Lumenaza tariffs that reduce energy costs and increase efficiency by responding to actual energy production and use.

Standardization of technical connection conditions:

A uniform nationwide standard for grid connection conditions is being introduced in order to eliminate previous differences between network operators.

Overarching regulations

Some of the regulations simplify procedures for virtually all plants: In future, for example, the plant owner should be given the right to install connecting lines on land and traffic routes, which would put an end to previous lengthy appeal proceedings.

Systems that are built outside existing buildings should also benefit from existing EEG funding in the future, and the replacement of old PV modules with new, more powerful ones could also be simplified in regulatory terms — for example by maintaining the original feed-in tariff for the original output.

Über Lumenaza

Lumenaza bietet Software und Services für die Energiewende. Lumenazas leistungsstarke SaaS-Plattform ermöglicht es Versorgern, ihr Geschäft zu gestalten, zu steigern und weiterzuentwickeln, indem sie Produzenten und Verbraucher von grüner, dezentraler Energie miteinander verbindet. Das Berliner Unternehmen ermöglicht innovative Geschäftsmodelle, die auf dezentralen, erneuerbaren Energien basieren. Das Unternehmen mit Sitz in Berlin arbeitet mit Großkunden wie EnBW oder E.ON oder Stadtwerken sowie insbesondere neue Marktteilnehmern rund um grüne Energieversorgung zusammen.

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