News & Presse

Aggregation also for small PV systems



Aggregation can become an attractive business for both end customers and providers, even for small PV systems. In addition to electricity supply, the Lumenaza platform’s virtual power plant also enables white-label aggregation. Over the past years, Lumenaza has developed a highly automated system that allows even small PV systems to be economically integrated into aggregation. This service offers additional revenue opportunities for you and your customers.

Companies that want to offer aggregation to their customers can become aggregators with the Lumenaza SaaS platform through its end-to-end white-label aggregation solution.

Customers who want to integrate their own system into aggregation can do so via the end-customer brand LUOX Energy: LUOX Direktvermarktung for Home or LUOX Direktvermarktung for Business

Lumenaza – Your expert partner in the energy business

Lumenaza stands for innovation, scalability, and experience in the energy industry. As a software and platform provider, as well as a migration partner, we offer comprehensive consulting and support on your digitalization journey.

Whether it’s mass-market electricity tariffs, bundled products, market communication, balancing group management, aggregation, process optimization, customer experience, or software modernization – choosing the right partner in the energy sector is a key success factor.

Feel free to reach out to us to discuss these topics or how we can efficiently implement your individual project.

Über Lumenaza

Lumenaza bietet Software und Services für die Energiewende. Lumenazas leistungsstarke SaaS-Plattform ermöglicht es Versorgern, ihr Geschäft zu gestalten, zu steigern und weiterzuentwickeln, indem sie Produzenten und Verbraucher von grüner, dezentraler Energie miteinander verbindet. Das Berliner Unternehmen ermöglicht innovative Geschäftsmodelle, die auf dezentralen, erneuerbaren Energien basieren. Das Unternehmen mit Sitz in Berlin arbeitet mit Großkunden wie EnBW oder E.ON oder Stadtwerken sowie insbesondere neue Marktteilnehmern rund um grüne Energieversorgung zusammen.

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